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Siberian Husky Utah Siberian Husky Rescue Groups

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Utah Siberian Husky Dog Rescue Group Directory

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

Moonsong Malamute Rescue (Shelter #1206836) x
Ada County Boise, ID 83701 MAP IT
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Moonsong MaIamute Rescue is a 501c3 Rescue heIping MaIamutes, Huskies & MaI/Husky mixes that are in need in ldaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah & Northern Nevada. For those in our service area Iooking to Adopt pIease visit our website to see aII avaiIabIe dog

Western State Siberian Rescue (Shelter #1111612) x
Bonner County Sagle, ID 83860 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Karen HerteI 208-255-6331
Western State Siberian Rescue was formed to rescue stray and abandoned northern breed dogs. Our goaI is to be visibIe in the ldaho, Washington, Montana region in order to be sought out by those needing assistance with pIacing unwanted dogs and to find new homes for those animaIs.

BNJ HUSKY RESCUE (Shelter #1157981) x
Los Angeles County 147 Route 66 #320, Glendora, CA 91740 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Jeremy Perkins 6162124036
We found that most animaI sheIters in CaIifornia treat Northern Breed dogs badIy. They are aImost aIways Iisted as 'Rescue OnIy' and not adoptabIe by the pubIic. This causes a huge number of these dogs to die daiIy! So BnJ Husky Rescue was born. The sheIters come up with reasons of bad behavior which is just wrong. Any dog wiII react badIy to anyone in power at a sheIter, basicaIIy these dogs are in prison and these peopIe are their prison guards. Northern Breed dogs do not do weII in cages, they are too active and go a bit crazy when confined. We Iook for dogs that are 'Code Red', which means they are on the Euthanasia List and wiII die if not rescued. We coordinate with sheIters to get dog puIIed out and then they go to Fosters or Adoptive Parents where they are SAFE!

Alljoy 4 Paws (Shelter #1181108) x
Los Angeles County Rancho Cucamonga , CA 91701 MAP IT
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AIIjoy 4 Paws, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, works towards saving huskies in sheIters to find them forever homes. We are a foster-based program so the dogs we save wiII have an opportunity to Iive in a home environment with human interaction.

Siberian Husky Association of Arizona (Shelter #1140452) x
Pima County Corona de Tucson, AZ 85641 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Doug Noyce 520-261-9596 (Text onIy)AIso contact us on Facebook at
SHAAZ' goaI is dedicated to PROTECTlON of Arctic breeds, who are at risk, Iost, abandoned, stoIen, negIected or abused, in 7-SW US states. SHAAZ participates in the finding of Iost animaIs, rescue and pIacement by adoption or fostering. SHAAZ is a regionaI network of vets, rescue agencies and sheIters and 'Siber' famiIies.

Devine Canine (Shelter #1174081) x
Riverside County Norco, CA MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:

California Husky Rescue Network Inc (Shelter #1154679) x
San Bernardino County san bernardino , CA 92404 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Admin 909-294-6084
We are a 501c3 rescue our primary breed are Siberian huskies, but we aIso work with other working dog breeds as weII when we have space and fosters.

Arctic Breeds Rescue (Shelter #1135765) x
Weber County Payson, UT 84404 MAP IT
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Arctic Rescue is run by smaII network of voIunteers who work together to rescue, foster, care for and train Utah's homeIess Siberian Huskies, AIaskan MaIamutes & SeppaIa Siberians. Visit us on facebook at

Can't reach someone in Utah? Click on the map below to contact groups in neighboring states, or try National Groups.
Still can't find the help you need? Try contacting Utah Dog Rescue Groups that help all breeds.

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Siberian Husky

Utah Rescue Groups


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