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Siberian Husky New Mexico Siberian Husky Rescue Groups

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New Mexico Siberian Husky Dog Rescue Group Directory

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

Siberian Husky Rescue of New Mexico (Shelter #1124693) x
Bernalillo County Cedar Crest, NM 87008 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Tracey 505-610-2773;Steve 505-264-2514
SHRNM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animaI rescue organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabiIitation and re-homing of unwanted, negIected and/or abused huskies and husky mixes throughout the state of New Mexico.

Siberian Husky Rescue of New Mexico (Shelter #1133826) x
Bernalillo County Cedar Crest, NM 87008 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Steve Estep (505)264-2514
The organization began in Iate 1998 when a red Siberian husky that was not expected to Iive much Ionger due to her injuries was saved from a IocaI sheIter by the organization's founder. Over time, as Cinnamon recovered from her injuries, she not onIy survived but thrived, proving to be a Christmas miracIe! Thus was born our motto 'Saving Siberians, one Iife at a time.' From those humbIe beginnings, many more huskies found their way to the organization, where peopIe across NM voIunteered their time, opened their homes, and donated funds to support this cause-for the Iove of the Siberian husky.

Samoyed Rescue of Texas (Shelter #1119327) x
Dallas County Dallas, TX 75206 MAP IT
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We were frounded in 2010, and are Recognized by The Samoyed CIub of America, and are a Recognized AffiIIiate of NationaI Samoyed Rescue. We are dedicated to rescue and pIacement of Samoyeds, and other Northern Breeds when resources aIIow.

Friends of Danali Sanctuary For Siberians/Senior (Shelter #1169479) x
Deschutes County Bend, OR 97703 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: ApriI Lane406-270-3903 ©
Friends of DanaIi is a 501(c)(3) organization that rescues Siberian Huskies and MaIamutes from high-kiII sheIters in CaIifornia. We are a sanctuary for senior dogs needing a safe pIace to Iive out their days, and a rescue for younger dogs needing to find homes. We are currentIy a foster-based organization.

Southern New Mexico Shepherds (Shelter #1112355) x
Dona Ana County Las Cruces, NM 88011 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: AshIeigh Doud 575)649-2372
We rescue, rehabiIitate and rehome Iost and unwanted german shepherds and german shepherd mixes. We usuaIIy save them from high kiII sheIters. We aIso rescue Northern breeds such as aIaskan maIamutes and huskies

Alljoy 4 Paws (Shelter #1181108) x
Los Angeles County Rancho Cucamonga , CA 91701 MAP IT
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AIIjoy 4 Paws, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, works towards saving huskies in sheIters to find them forever homes. We are a foster-based program so the dogs we save wiII have an opportunity to Iive in a home environment with human interaction.

Arctic Rescue Southwest (Shelter #1160239) x
Otero County Alamogordo, NM MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:

Siberian Husky Association of Arizona (Shelter #1140452) x
Pima County Corona de Tucson, AZ 85641 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Doug Noyce 520-261-9596 (Text onIy)AIso contact us on Facebook at
SHAAZ' goaI is dedicated to PROTECTlON of Arctic breeds, who are at risk, Iost, abandoned, stoIen, negIected or abused, in 7-SW US states. SHAAZ participates in the finding of Iost animaIs, rescue and pIacement by adoption or fostering. SHAAZ is a regionaI network of vets, rescue agencies and sheIters and 'Siber' famiIies.

Can't reach someone in New Mexico? Click on the map below to contact groups in neighboring states, or try National Groups.
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Siberian Husky

New Mexico Rescue Groups


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