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Siberian Husky Minnesota Siberian Husky Rescue Groups

Rescue Me! Tip: Unable to cure an animal of a bad case of mange? Ask your veterinarian about inexpensive treatment using Ivermectin.

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Minnesota Siberian Husky Dog Rescue Group Directory

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The portion of a particular state each group below serves is indicated by the symbol next to its name:

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

BNJ HUSKY RESCUE (Shelter #1157981) x
Los Angeles County 147 Route 66 #320, Glendora, CA 91740 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Jeremy Perkins 6162124036
We found that most animaI sheIters in CaIifornia treat Northern Breed dogs badIy. They are aImost aIways Iisted as 'Rescue OnIy' and not adoptabIe by the pubIic. This causes a huge number of these dogs to die daiIy! So BnJ Husky Rescue was born. The sheIters come up with reasons of bad behavior which is just wrong. Any dog wiII react badIy to anyone in power at a sheIter, basicaIIy these dogs are in prison and these peopIe are their prison guards. Northern Breed dogs do not do weII in cages, they are too active and go a bit crazy when confined. We Iook for dogs that are 'Code Red', which means they are on the Euthanasia List and wiII die if not rescued. We coordinate with sheIters to get dog puIIed out and then they go to Fosters or Adoptive Parents where they are SAFE!

Hilbrin Farm Rescue/ Legends of the Paws (Shelter #1210565) x
Marathon County Wausau, WI 54402 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 715-661-2721

Adopt A Husky, Inc. (Shelter #1105036) x
View Website    New Tab
CONTACT: 612-986-2244

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This map shows how many Siberian Husky Rescue Groups are in each state.
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Siberian Husky

Minnesota Rescue Groups


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